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Belarusian students take part in the III International Olympiad on Financial Security

Belarusian students take part in the III International Olympiad on Financial Security
The Belarusian team takes part in the final stage of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security, which is held these days on the basis of the federal territory "Sirius" in Sochi. The coordinator of the Olympiad from the Belarusian side is the Department of Financial Monitoring of the State Control Committee.

Our country is represented by students of BSU and BSEU. These universities are members of the International Network Institute for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Before the final stage, qualifying stages were held at BSU and BSEU, following the results of which 5 representatives were selected each, who showed the best knowledge in the field of combating money laundering and terrorism financing.

The programme of the final week includes about 60 different events, including interactive workshops, panel discussions and master classes, tournaments on solving economic cases, meetings with interesting people. The best will be determined in various nominations. In general, students and pupils from 19 countries take part in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad week will also include meetings of the Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the CIS Member States and the Council of the International Network Institute, as well as a competition for the best compliance investigation, in which the Belarusian side will be represented by a representative of Sber Bank OJSC. 
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