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The State Control Committee
of the Republic of Belarus
The Forum of the Eurasian Group on Combating the Legalization of Criminal Proceeds and the Financing of Terrorism (EAG) was held on 19-21 July 2022 in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan). The Belarusian delegation included representatives of the State Control Committee, the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The delegation was headed by Vyacheslav Reut, Director of the Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control...
The journal published materials on the results of inspections in pharmacy chains and medical centres, the measures taken to reduce the cost of medicines and diagnostic services, the results of inspections of microfinance institutions, solutions to the problems of citizens following intervention of the State Control Committee. Acute questions are raised in publications - what problems are faced today by the residents of houses serviced by homeowners' associations and what prevents the rapid...
The Government and the State Monitoring Committee approved the Programme of Action for Price Stabilization, Improvement of Pricing Methodology and Monitoring of Compliance with Pricing Legislation for 2022. The Programme is a strategic plan with the following main lines of action to be implemented by the end of the year: development of a set of measures for the production of import-substituting agricultural products, improvement of the system of stables; Improving pricing...
Chairman of the State Control Committee of Gomel Region Alexey Iglikov had a meeting with Chairman of the Control and Accounting Chamber of the Bryansk Region Olga Pavlova. Heads of regional control bodies discussed the prospects of cooperation and directions of work in the aim of possible exchange of experience and best practices. A number of specific activities have been identified. The meeting took place within the international festival of Slavic peoples «Slavic Unity-2022»,...
Chairman of the State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov took part on June 24, 2022 in the graduation ceremony of officers of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. There are 13 lieutenants of the financial police among the graduates, who have been studied for 4 years at the academy in the interests of the financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee. In total, 45 cadets are currently studying at the Academy of the Ministry of...
The Chairman of the State Control Committee Vasily Gerasimov and employees of the control agency laid flowers at the Minsk Hero City stele on June 22, 2022, the Day of National Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War and the genocide of the Belarusian people. On this day, Belarus remembers those who, at the cost of their lives, fulfilled their duty to defend the Motherland, civilians who were killed at the hands of the occupiers or died in the rear of hunger and deprivation,...
The State Control Committee has drawn up plans for random inspections in the regions and the city of Minsk for the second half of 2022. The plans include inspections of all regulatory and supervisory bodies of the republic. It should be reminded that planning is carried out using a risk-based approach. Each regulatory (supervisory) body of the republic has defined the criteria for assessing the degree of risk, according to which subjects with a high degree of risk are selected for the...
Since the beginning of the year 2022 the State Control Committee carried out inspections and monitoring of 1050 trade objects, in 699 of which various violations were detected. In 478 trade outlets there were revealed violations of trade rules, including in 388 outlets there were revealed violations of assortment lists of goods. Sanitary norms and rules were not observed in 241 units, and expired goods were offered for sale in 77 units. Violations of price discipline were detected in...
The State Control Committee of Belarus and the Audit Chamber of Russia have summed up the results of the external audit of the Union State budget execution for 2021 and the results of the joint audit of the Belarusian-Russian University. The event took place on 9 June 2022 in the form of a video conference chaired by the heads of the controlling bodies Vasily Gerasimov and Aleksei Kudrin. The results of the audit showed that financial discipline in executing the budget of the Union State...


The Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee of Brest region suppress illegal activities of a commercial organization that paid salaries to its employees "in envelopes". It was found that for more than five years the Brest company hid from taxation the income received in cash for educational services rendered. Part of this money was used to pay salaries "in an envelope". Financial investigators found out that more than 65 employees of the organization...

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