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The Programme of joint actions of the Government and the State Control Committee on price stabilisation was approved

The Programme of joint actions of the Government and the State Control Committee on price stabilisation was approved
The Government of the Republic of Belarus and the State Control Committee have approved the Programme of Joint Actions on Price Stabilisation, Improvement of Pricing Methodology and Control Activities on Compliance with Pricing Legislation for 2024.

The Programme is a strategic plan and includes measures to reduce inflation in sectors of the economy, saturation of the domestic market with goods, of economic and administrative nature, as well as improvement of antimonopoly, price regulation and control. The programme is implemented from 2022.

Аlmost all the planned activities were implemented.

The main goal of the 2024 programme is to fill the domestic market with goods considering the principle of fair price formation.

According to Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee Andrei Lobovich, the main function of control activities is to prevent violations. The majority of control activities will be carried out by the Committee in the form of monitoring, based on the results of which recommendations will be issued to the business entity. Only if they fail to fulfil them, liability measures will be applied, including suspension of trade facilities. Last year, 53 business entities suspended their activities at the initiative of the State Control Committee, and this year - 7 already.

As a whole, the dynamics in pricing in terms of compliance with price discipline is positive. While in 2022 the State Control Committee detected such violations in almost a quarter of inspected objects, last year only 12 per cent of economic entities out of those subjected to control and analytical measures allowed such violations. The positive dynamics remains in the current year. 
© The State Control Committee
of the Republic of Belarus, 2024.