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Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Belarus and Poland discussed the issues of mutual cooperation

Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Belarus and Poland discussed the issues of mutual cooperation
 The delegation of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland visited  Belarus on 25-26 August 2016.
During the working meeting the Head of SAI of Belarus Mr. Leonid Anfimov and Head of SAI of Poland Mr. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski discussed the issues of mutual cooperation.
In recent years the Committee of State Control of Belarus develops actively cooperation with the Supreme Audit Office of Poland in the framework of Agreement  on cooperation signed in 2003, which provides the joint audits, the exchange of experience and information.
One of the latest joint audits took place in 2014 - 2015. SAIs of Belarus and Poland with the participation of Ukrainian colleagues held an international coordinated audit on protection of the Bug river catchment area from pollution.
It’s was a follow up audit of recommendations given by State auditors of three countries after the parallel audit conducted in 2006.
The results of the tripartite audit  have been announced this year in the Lublin (Poland). Also during the meeting in Lublin the SAIs of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine signed a joint communiqué in which they agreed to intensify further work aimed at improving the ecological condition of Bug river.
The interaction between the SAIs of Belarus and Poland is also conducted at the regional level. The representatives of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland took part in the international seminar on improving the efficiency of the state financial control and audit, organized by the Committee of State Control in Grodno in June 2016. In addition to discussing the promising areas of cooperation at the republican and regional levels, the two sides exchanged the experience of control activities in their countries.
In the nearest plans of the SAIs of Belarus and Poland is a number of other joint projects. In particular, the audit of the effectiveness of the use of objects of cultural and natural heritage located in the border areas.
It is planned to continue to work together with Polish colleagues to improve the efficiency of the use of cross-border Augustow Canal in the tourism purposes.
During the meeting the Heads of SAIs of Belarus and Poland also discussed the issues of expansion of information exchange between agencies.
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