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A jubilee medal to mark the 30th anniversary of the State Control Committee has been established in Belarus

A jubilee medal to mark the 30th anniversary of the State Control Committee has been established in Belarus
On 10 June President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 220 on the establishment of the jubilee medal "30th Anniversary of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus".

The document also approves the regulations on the medal, its description and a sample of the medal certificate.

On the front side in the centre of the medal there is a heraldic symbol - the emblem of the SCC, a ribbon with ornaments around the circumference, and a relief inscription "30th year" at the bottom. On the reverse side there is the inscription "State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus", a stylised laurel branch and the dates "1994 - 2024".

The medal will be awarded to employees and veterans of the SCC bodies for exemplary performance of their official duties, achievement of high work results, as well as to other individuals for their significant contribution to the development and improvement of activities to protect the interests of the state from illegal actions in the economic sphere, ensuring economic security of the country.

The jubilee date will be celebrated on 2 August 2024, the day of the establishment of the Control Service of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the legal successor of which is the State Control Committee. 
© The State Control Committee
of the Republic of Belarus, 2024.