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The State Control Committee summarised the results of its work for the first half of 2024

The State Control Committee summarised the results of its work for the first half of 2024
 The results of the work of the State Control Committee for the first half of 2024 were summarised at a board meeting of the control agency. The event was chaired by Vasily Gerasimov, head of the State Control Committee.


Results in all areas of the Committee's activities have been summarised. These are the outcomes of the work of controllers on the issues of budgetary, financial and social sphere, use of state property, work of agro-industrial, industrial, transport and energy complexes, construction, housing and communal services and on a number of other issues. Detection and suppression of illegal actions in the economic sphere remains in the centre of attention of the SCC.


The priority area of the SCC's activities is control over the timely and qualitative fulfilment of the instructions of the Head of State, which affect all spheres of the state's life and the resolution of pressing issues of concern to the country's residents.

Particular attention is paid to the working out of recommendations and proposals to improve the work of the economy and enterprises. The main goal is to prevent violations, identify reserves, and eliminate negative trends.


Also at the board meeting the interim results of thematic control and analytical activities carried out by the regional SCC were summarised.


In particular, attention was paid to the issues of regional development, improvement of the quality of life of the population, compliance with state social standards, especially in rural areas.


The issues of liquidation of the consequences of the hurricane that took place in July were considered, including control over the development of windthrow and storm-damaged forest areas within the established timeframe, as well as over the reforestation of forest areas after clear-cutting.


The focus of the controllers' attention is the formation of prices, primarily for social group goods, and the state of the consumer market.


One of the central issues is the work with citizens' appeals (in the first half of 2024, the Committee's bodies received 5,062 appeals).


The participants of the event also discussed the prospects for the development of information resources of the State Control Committee.


Following the results of the board meeting, the priority areas of control and analytical activities of the SCC for the second half of 2024 were determined.


In the first half of 2024, the Committee's bodies conducted 242 inspections and 11 performance audits. Within the framework of proactive measures, including prevention of offences, 250 monitoring activities were carried out, based on the materials of which recommendations were issued to business entities to eliminate the identified shortcomings and further improve their activities.

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