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The State Control Committee opened a museum exposition dedicated to the history of formation and development of the state control bodies of Belarus

The State Control Committee opened a museum exposition dedicated to the history of formation and development of the state control bodies of Belarus
 On the eve of the Day of State Control Bodies, a museum exposition dedicated to the history of the State Control Bodies of Belarus was opened in the main controlling agency of the country.


The exposition consists of 9 sections, each of which represents a significant stage in the formation and development of state control. A separate section is dedicated to the participation of the heads and employees of the State Control Service in the Great Patriotic War.


The exposition recreates the working office of the state control in the 60s of the last century with all the attributes of that time.

A multimedia table with historical documents, photos and videos from different periods of activity of the state control of Belarus and the modern State Control Committee became a special feature of the exposition.


Anna Zaitseva, the author of the project and curator of the exposition, conducted the first tour of the museum exposition for the employees of the central office of the State Control Committee.


2 August is the Day of the State Control Bodies' Workers of Belarus. The relevant decision to establish the holiday date was adopted this year by the Head of State. This day 30 years ago the Control Service of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus was established, and its successor is the State Control Committee.

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