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The plans for random inspections in the regions and Minsk for the second half of 2024 include 1,723 entities

The plans for random inspections in the regions and Minsk for the second half of 2024 include 1,723 entities
In the course of planning, more than 98 thousand entities were analysed, 26.3 thousand entities were rated as high risk. From this 1,723 entities (6.5 per cent of high-risk entities) were included in the random inspection plans.

The number of inspections planned by the supervisory authorities will account for 71.6 per cent of the total number of inspections. These are inspections of issues related to ensuring the safety of life, health of citizens and the environment.

The largest number of inspections is planned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (20.3% of the total number), the Ministry of Emergency Situations (18.6%), the Ministry of Natural Resources (11.7%), State Standard (10.8 per cent).

The bodies of the State Control Committee planned 69 inspections (3.5 per cent of the total number).

Within the framework of joint inspections by several control (supervisory) bodies, 202 entities will be inspected.

The plans for random inspections are posted on the website of the State Control Committee.  
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