The current Forum was held in the year of the tenth anniversary of the One Belt, One Road initiative. Representatives of over 130 countries took part in the large-scale events.
The Head of the Belarusian State Control Service took part in the High-Level Belt and Road Forum. The forum also included panel discussions on various aspects of cooperation: trade relations, digital economy, investments. A delegation of the State Control Committee of Belarus participated in the thematic forum "Clean Silk Road", where representatives from over 30 countries and international organizations discussed anti-corruption issues.
Vasily Gerasimov, the Chairman of the State Control Committee, made a presentation on progress and contributions to the anti-corruption efforts. He noted that worldwide, corruption is a major socio-political problem of our time, which threatens the socio-economic, political and legal foundations of statehood and the rule of law.
"The fight against corruption is regarded as one of the national priorities by the Republic of Belarus. Actually all government agencies are engaged in this irreconcilable struggle. An effective legislative framework has been formed and the necessary institutional mechanisms for countering corruption are functioning. Close attention is paid to the sphere of prevention of corruption offences and their manifestations. Constant work is conducted to raise the level of legal awareness and to create intolerance in society towards such offences," Vasily Gerasimov added.
The Chairman of the State Control Committee expressed confidence that the entry of the Republic of Belarus to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will open up new opportunities for strengthening co-operation in suppressing corruption offences.
The day before, the issues of countering corruption were discussed at a working meeting between the Chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus and the leadership of the State Control Committee of China. Yesterday, Vasil Gerasimov and Hou Kai, Auditor General of the State Audit Office of China, also held a working meeting to discuss cooperation between the top audit institutions of the two countries.
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