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Minsk Half Marathon 2024. 20 representatives of the State Control Committee and the Department of Financial Investigations took to the distance

Minsk Half Marathon 2024. 20 representatives of the State Control Committee and the Department of Financial Investigations took to the distance

The Minsk Half Marathon, the most mass running event in Belarus, is taking place in Minsk today. More than 20 thousand people from 11 countries came to the start.


There were 20 representatives of the State Control Committee and the Financial Investigation Department, who started the 5, 10.5 and 21 kilometre distances. The ten-kilometre distance was also completed by Viktor Selitsky, Deputy Director of the FID.


Four representatives of the financial investigation bodies of the SCC overcame today also the classic 21-kilometre section, which is considered the most prestigious.


The finish of the participants took place in the cup of the stadium ‘Dinamo’.

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