During the meeting a number of problematic issues related to the implementation of control (oversight) activities were discussed, proposals for its improvement were considered, taking into account the instructions of the Head of State to change the style and methods of work of control (oversight) bodies.
It was noted that in general all control (supervisory) bodies in 2023 reduced the number of control and supervisory activities in comparison with 2022: inspections by 1.8 thousand (by 21.2 per cent); monitoring by 69.8 thousand (2.6 times); technical (technological, verification) measures by 86.3 thousand (1.6 times).
At the same time, it was pointed out that there are certain reserves to optimise activities and reduce the control burden on economic entities, in particular in the bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
During the discussion, emphasis was also placed on the need to strengthen control over pricing and improve the quality of control in the field of land use and protection, in the sphere of housing construction, housing legislation, as well as supervision over construction sites.
Following the results of the discussion the relevant recommendations were given to the state bodies engaged in control (supervisory) activities.
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