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Government and State Control Committee approve action plan to improve price regulation mechanisms for paid medical services

Government and State Control Committee approve action plan to improve price regulation mechanisms for paid medical services

The government and the State Control Committee have approved an action plan for 2024-2025 to improve the mechanisms of price regulation in the field of paid medical services, to prevent unjustified price increases for medicines and medical devices.


The plan provides for:


- adjustment of regulatory legal acts on the establishment and application of maximum tariff limits for paid medical services, formation of prices for medicines and medical devices;

- Strengthening control over the activities of private health-care organisations and tightening licensing requirements for business entities engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities;

- taking other administrative and organisational measures to improve price regulation and control in this area.


The main objective of the joint action plan is to create mechanisms and control over the formation by economic entities of reasonable prices for paid medical services, medicines and medical devices, and to ensure their accessibility to the population.

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