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Dzmitry Basko took part in a ceremonial assembly at the Petkovichi secondary school in Dzerzhynsky district on Knowledge Day

Dzmitry Basko took part in a ceremonial assembly at the Petkovichi secondary school in Dzerzhynsky district on Knowledge Day

Traditionally, representatives of the State Control Committee visited a rural school on Knowledge Day. This time -- Petkovichi High School of Dzerzhinsky district, which will be 105 years old this November.


Today there are 140 schoolchildren studying here, and 14 children started first grade this year. Each of them received a book “Belarus - our Radzima”, as well as a pencil case with stationery. The school wasn't left without gifts as well - representatives of the control agency provided it with a color printer and a set of sports balls.


First Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee Dzmitry Basko addressed the students, their parents and teachers:

- Today is an exciting day for everyone at the lineup. And first of all for our first graders. Each of us remembers our first day at school, our first teacher. Many, having grown up, give their children to the first grade themselves. Or maybe it is not the first time they take their children to school. And still every time this event excites both children and their parents.


Before the beginning of the line Dmitry Basko took a look at the conditions of education in Petkovichi School, and also visited a lesson in the first grade.

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