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Director of the Department of Financial Monitoring of the State Control Committee Dmitry Zakharov had working meetings with representatives of Rosfinmonitoring and the Treasury of Russia

Director of the Department of Financial Monitoring of the State Control Committee Dmitry Zakharov had working meetings with representatives of Rosfinmonitoring and the Treasury of Russia

The meetings were held in Moscow within the framework of a working visit of the delegation of the Department of Financial Monitoring of Belarus at the invitation of Rosfinmonitoring.


The main purpose of the visit was to improve interaction between the financial intelligence units (FIUs) of Russia and Belarus, as well as the development of international information and analytical systems.


The representatives of the agencies shared the experience of FIUs of the two countries.

Among the issues discussed:


- acquaintance with the principles and approaches in the organization and carrying out of financial analysis related to combating money laundering and terrorism financing;

- use of modern approaches to the analysis of budgetary funds, digitalization of state financial control;

- bilateral cooperation in the sphere of combating money laundering and terrorism financing.


At the end of the working meetings the parties expressed confidence in further mutual cooperation.

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