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Presentation of the activities of the State Control Committee of Belarus was done at the meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators 05.04.2019 Presentation of the activities of the State Control Committee of Belarus was done at the meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators Leonid Anfimov took part in the meeting held by the Head of State on topical issues of regional development 02.04.2019 Leonid Anfimov took part in the meeting held by the Head of State on topical issues of regional development Leonid Anfimov took part in a meeting of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee and answered the citizens’ phone calls 28.03.2019 Leonid Anfimov took part in a meeting of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee and answered the citizens’ phone calls Leonid Anfimov took part in the working trip of the Head of State to the Mogilev region 26.03.2019 Leonid Anfimov took part in the working trip of the Head of State to the Mogilev region Visiting mission of the EAG experts began work in the framework of the international evaluation of the Belarusian anti-money laundering system 11.03.2019 Visiting mission of the EAG experts began work in the framework of the international evaluation of the Belarusian anti-money laundering system Leonid Anfimov discussed bilateral cooperation with the Director General of the Chairman’s Office of the Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia 13.02.2019 Leonid Anfimov discussed bilateral cooperation with the Director General of the Chairman’s Office of the Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia On the eve of New Year's holidays Leonid Anfimov presented gifts to children of the Zhdanovichsky orphanage 28.12.2018 On the eve of New Year's holidays Leonid Anfimov presented gifts to children of the Zhdanovichsky orphanage The emphasis in the work of control and oversight bodies is shifted towards the prevention of violations 07.12.2018 The emphasis in the work of control and oversight bodies is shifted towards the prevention of violations SAIs of EAEU member states summarized up the results of the joint audit of compliance with the Protocol on the procedure for deposition and distribution of import customs duties 29.11.2018 SAIs of EAEU member states summarized up the results of the joint audit of compliance with the Protocol on the procedure for deposition and distribution of import customs duties Leonid Anfimov: Belarus is an active participant in the international system for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism 16.11.2018 Leonid Anfimov: Belarus is an active participant in the international system for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism Delegation of the State Control Committee of Belarus visits the State Audit Office of Latvia 25.10.2018 Delegation of the State Control Committee of Belarus visits the State Audit Office of Latvia Control agencies of Belarus and China signed a Memorandum of Cooperation 20.09.2018 Control agencies of Belarus and China signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
Official website of the President of the Republic of Belarus Official website of the President of the Republic of Belarus National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus - Official Website of the Republic of Belarus - Official Website of the Republic of Belarus