The State Control Committee is the supreme financial control body of the Republic of Belarus.
In accordance with Chapter 8, Section VI of the
Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the State Control Committee carries out state control over the execution of the republican budget, use of state property, execution of acts of the President, Parliament, Government and other state bodies regulating state property, economic, financial and tax relations.
In its activities the State Control Committee is accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The system of bodies of the State Control Committee is formed by the central office of the State Control Committee, its territorial bodies and territorial bodies of financial investigations of the State Control Committee. The structure of the State Control Committee includes the Department of Financial Investigations, the Department of Financial Monitoring and other structural units.
In accordance with the Statute of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the State Control Committee fulfils the following tasks:
protecting the interests of the state from unlawful encroachments in the economic sphere, ensuring the economic security of the Republic of Belarus;
checking the fulfilment of the President of the Republic of Belarus' orders, control over the fulfilment of which, in accordance with the laws and decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus, is entrusted to the Committee;
exercising state control over the effective and rational use by organisations and individual entrepreneurs of budgetary funds and state property;
exercising state control over the execution of acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Parliament of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and other state bodies regulating state property, economic, financial and tax relations, as well as other issues in accordance with the laws and decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
carrying out comprehensive measures to identify systemic violations of legislation and negative trends in the economy and social sphere;
identifying unused reserves for increasing the efficiency of economic activity and developing the real sector of the economy;
prevention, detection and suppression of offences in the economic sphere;
taking effective measures to prevent the legalisation of proceeds derived from crime and the financing of terrorist activities;
conducting administrative proceedings in accordance with the established procedure;
fulfilment of other tasks in accordance with the laws and decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The activity of the State Control Committee and its territorial bodies is carried out on the principles of:
- legality;
- observance and protection of the interests of the state, the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons, including individual entrepreneurs and organisations;
- unity of the system of bodies of the State Control Committee and centralisation of their management;
- transparency and publicity to the extent that this does not contradict the requirements of legislation on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organisations, state secrets and other secrets protected by legislative acts;
- presumption of integrity and innocence of organisations and citizens who are subject to control measures in accordance with legislative acts;
- equality of rights and legitimate interests of all audited subjects.
The State Control Committee has been authorised with the following competences:
- implementation of control activities, including carrying out inspections;
- administrative and procedural activities;
- operative and investigative activities;
- criminal procedure and other powers.
The introduction of new progressive methods of control, including performance audit, allows the State Control Committee, while reducing the control burden on economic entities, to obtain objective information on the state of affairs in the real sector of the economy, to promptly resolve existing difficulties on the ground, to expand the range of investigated problems, as well as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of control activities.
Based on the results of control and analytical activities, the Committee forms specific proposals to resolve identified problems, eliminate systemic causes and conditions that prevent the achievement of targeted goals, and use reserves in the economy and social sphere.
The Committee also makes extensive use of various forms of proactive monitoring and preventive measures aimed at preventing offences.