Today, the State Control Committee is a full participant of the international audit community. Due to this, the supreme audit institution of the Republic of Belarus annually strengthens its cooperation with similar institutions in other countries.
Since 2001, the State Control Committee has been a member of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), participates in the activities of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators and the INTOSAI Working Group on Public Procurement Audit.
The State Control Committee collaborates and shares experience with the European supreme audit institutions within the framework of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI). The State Control Committee has been a member of this organization since 2002, participates in the work of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit and the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes.
Within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the State Control Committee closely cooperates with the supreme audit institutions of the Post-Soviet countries. Since 2000, the Chairman of the State Control Committee is a member of the Board of Heads of SAIs of the CIS member-states.
Priority areas of the Board’s cooperation include joint development of theoretical and practical aspects of the state audits in the region, mutual exchange of experience and information, performance of joint and parallel audits and analyses, staff training and capacity-building.
Within the framework of the Board of Heads of SAIs of the CIS member-states, the Republic of Belarus actively participates in the activities of the Working Group on Development of State Financial Control (Audit) Standards for SAIs of the CIS member states and the Expert Group on the Key National Indicators.
An important event that took place in Minsk in 2016 was the XVI session of the Council of Heads of SAIs of the CIS member states focused on "the Role of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the CIS Member States in Ensuring Economic Security: Modern Approaches, New Prospects and Opportunities, Adaptation to the Ongoing Changes".
The relevance of these discussions was attributed to the fact that the supreme audit institutions play a special role in ensuring economic security. Their detailed audit and control are not only aimed at detecting the sore spots in the economy and social sector, but also making proposals about the ways to remedy the situation, including in terms of legislation.
The XVI session of the Council of Heads of SAIs of the CIS member states held in Minsk was attended by the delegations of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and the delegation of the Supreme Audit Institution of the Slovak Republic as its guest.
The State Control Committee attaches great importance to cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). Since 2016, the supreme audit institutions of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Russian Federation have been conducting annual joint audits of compliance by the authorized agencies of the EEU member states with the procedure of calculation and distribution of the amounts of import customs duties (other duties, taxes and charges having an equivalent effect) and external audits of the EEU authorities.
The State Control Committee finds it vital to enhance its bilateral cooperation with SAIs from foreign countries. Belarus’ State Control Committee has signed Cooperation Agreements with the supreme audit institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, State of Israel, Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvian Republic, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Poland, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic and Ukraine.
These agreements promote exchange of experience and information about the government audit and control methodology and procedures, cooperation in the area of staff training and capacity building, conduct of seminars and working meetings, as well as joint audits.
One of such events is an international coordinated audit of protection of waters in the Bug River catchment area from pollution run by the supreme audit institutions of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Poland and Ukraine. This cooperation started in 2006 and has been in progress through conducting national and international joint audits, as well as other interventions related to the implementation of the recommendations drafted by the SAIs of the three countries.
There is large-scale interaction between the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The SAIs of the two countries annually audit the use of the budgetary resources of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, the cost efficiency of the programs of the Union State the outcomes of which are reviewed at joint meetings of the Boards.
The State Control Committee’s membership in international organizations facilitates the Committee’s participation in capacity-building programs, makes it possible to study audit practices in foreign SAIs, keep abreast of the applicable methods and standards, information resources in auditing and share experience in auditing.