In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September 10, 2021 No. 339 "On public inspectors", it is envisaged to create a system of public inspectors on the basis of the State Control Committee and its territorial bodies. The priority objectives of the formation of this institute in the field of public relations are prevention, timely detection and prevention of offenses, as well as increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the control and analytical measures carried out by the Committee through the participation of citizens in them.
The public inspector of the Committee may be a citizen who has reached the age of 25, has a higher, secondary specialized or vocational education and is capable of fulfilling the tasks and functions assigned to the Committee's bodies by his personal, moral and business qualities.
One can become a public inspector of the Committee:
on the application of a citizen;
at the suggestion of public, trade union or veteran organizations;
at the request of the heads (labor collectives) of enterprises, organizations and institutions.