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The head of a commercial organization paid his employees their salaries "in an envelope" for more than five years. Criminal proceedings have been initiated

The head of a commercial organization paid his employees their salaries "in an envelope" for more than five years. Criminal proceedings have been initiated
The Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee of Brest region suppress illegal activities of a commercial organization that paid salaries to its employees "in envelopes". It was found that for more than five years the Brest company hid from taxation the income received in cash for educational services rendered. Part of this money was used to pay salaries "in an envelope". Financial investigators found out that more than 65 employees of the organization received "gray" salaries. In total, more than 260 thousand rubles were paid "in envelopes". Contributions to the Social Security Fund of the Republic of Belarus were not paid on this amount. The damage to the state amounted to more than 90 thousand rubles. Criminal proceedings have been initiated against the director of the commercial company. The damage caused to the state was reimbursed in full.
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