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Representatives of the SAIs of Belarus and Russia discussed issues of increasing the efficiency of state control

Representatives of the SAIs of Belarus and Russia discussed issues of increasing the efficiency of state control

A virtual seminar on the topic "The role of SAIs in increasing the efficiency of the realization of state control and supervision functions" was held on October 28, 2020. The seminar was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Control Committee Aleksandr Kurlypo and Auditor of the Russian Account Chamber Tatyana Blinova, as well as the representatives of the central offices and territorial bodies of SAIs of Belarus and Russia.
The participants of the seminar discussed the issues of increasing the efficiency of the state control system and the assessment its effectiveness.
Employees of the SAI of Belarus informed the Russian colleagues about the peculiarities of national legislation in the field of control and supervision, approaches to conducting inspections, the information technologies being introduced, as well as the coordination of control and supervision activities in the country, which is carried out by the State Control Committee. They shared the experience in holding control events aimed at improving the efficiency of forestry sector management.
In turn, the Russian colleagues talked about the implementation of state control and supervision functions.
The representatives of territorial regulatory bodies of two countries presented their experience at the seminar.
© The State Control Committee
of the Republic of Belarus, 2024.