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The control bodies of Belarus and Russia have summed up the results of the external audit of budget execution of the Union State budget execution for 2021

The control bodies of Belarus and Russia have summed up the results of the external audit of budget execution of the Union State budget execution for 2021
The State Control Committee of Belarus and the Audit Chamber of Russia have summed up the results of the external audit of the Union State budget execution for 2021 and the results of the joint audit of the Belarusian-Russian University. The event took place on 9 June 2022 in the form of a video conference chaired by the heads of the controlling bodies Vasily Gerasimov and Aleksei Kudrin. The results of the audit showed that financial discipline in executing the budget of the Union State was improving. Such dynamics has been observed over the past few years. At the same time, some shortcomings and violations were revealed. Thus, insufficient utilization of budgetary funds is still noted. Only every third chief administrator of budget funds (10 out of 29 chief administrators) used the funds in full. Control activities revealed facts of violations in the use of budgetary funds, the implementation of public procurement and others. A number of problems were revealed. For example, the number of Union State programs has decreased. In 2021 there were 9 of them (previously about 12), and 6 of them have been completed. Control bodies believe that it is necessary to reformat the existing information space of the Union State, further development of all its components by creating a modern media holding on the basis of the multimedia resource (TV and radio broadcasting, Internet channels) and printed editions of the Union State. As far as the inspection of the Belarusian-Russian University was concerned, the controlling bodies stated that on the whole the parties had implemented the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on the conditions of establishment and operation of the university. Some shortcomings concerning the implementation of the financial and economic activities of the university were identified.
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